
Space in Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis in Space

2 lutego 2022

Conference: Space in Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis in Space
12-13 March 2022 (Zoom)

Organizers:: Center for Psychoanalytic Thought at the Institute of Philosophy of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

The theory-and-practice of Psychoanalysis and the very notion of Space seem to be entangled in most complex ways. On the one hand, ever since Freud psychoanalytic theory abounds with spatial models of the self. On the other hand, psychoanalysis has been always most sensitive to the libidinal and affective aspects of our bodily existence within the lived space. This dual perspective resulted in a most fascinating sequence of notions, theories and concepts: the very idea of psychic topography, the interplay between introjection and projection, various takes on separation and emptiness, the vision of the potential space, the dialectics of the container and the contained, the notion of extimity and many others. Our conference, which brings together scholars from a variety of fields, is to explore the potential of these and other notions for our thinking about the clinical dimension of psychoanalysis, as well as for the philosophical reflection on human subjectivity, architecture, geography, literature and economy.

Zoom LINKS: 

LINK DAY 1: Saturday, 12 March 2022

Meeting ID: 870 0645 5738
passcode: 935201

LINK DAY 2: Sunday, 13 March 2022

Meeting ID: 830 0179 9547
passcode: 152485


DAY 1: Saturday, 12 March 2022

10.01-10.15 Adam Lipszyc, Opening Remarks

Panel 1: The Space of the Clinic Cosimo Schinaia, The Space of the Consulting Room
11.00-11.30 Steven Jaron, Liminal Experiencing in the Psychoanalytic Field
11.45-12:15 Mira Marcinów, Hysteria in the space of Polish nineteenth century mental hospital

12:30-14:30 LUNCH BREAK

Panel 2: The Space of the Body

14:30-15:00 Steve Pile, Transference and the Spacing of the Body
15:15-15:45 Thomas Dojan, Erogenous Zones as Libidinal Space
16:00-16:30 Santiago Sourigues, The Dark Space of the Sleeping Body: the Nocturnal Space of Dreams and the Unconscious

DAY 2: Sunday, 13 March 2022

Panel 3: The Space of the Subject

10.00-10.30 Adam Lipszyc, ‘Das Unbehagen im Raum’: Closed Selves, Misplaced Cuts and the Vertigo of the Open
10.45-11.15 Andrzej Leder, Subject as a space and as a position
11.30-12.00 Anna Secor, Spacetimeunconscious: the unconscious as ethical dimension in the interplay of space, time, and matter

12.15-14.00 LUNCH BREAK

Panel 4: Psychoarchitecture, Psychotopography, Psychomarket

14.00-14.30 Gabriela Świtek, Spatial Disorientaton: Labyrinth, Lived Space and Architecture
14.45-15.15 Tomasz Drzazgowski, Building a bridge between Aristotle and Heidegger: the contribution of psychoanalysis to understanding what places are and how they arise

15.30-15.45 COFFEE BREAK

15.45-16.15 Antoni Zając, Towards Literary Psychotopographies. Sylleptic Subject, the Architecture of Distorted Memory and Spatial Imagination
16.30-17.00 Marta Olesik, Spacing History and the Schizo-Analysis of the Market

17.15-17.29 Adam Lipszyc, Closing Remarks




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